In the legends of Turtle Island a time is spoken of when the 12 Star Nations came to the 13th, bringing their gifts and dreams from the stars as offerings to this Blessed Earth. The Dream was held by the Children of Star and Earth. It was a time of coming together, of learning, exchanging, being taught by the Elders, blessed by SpiderWoman, embraced by the Earth. Each came with the Dream that they wanted to manifest into matter on this Earth, all knowing that a time would come of challenges and trials to these dreams. Those who became bonded to the worlds of the Earth sang, and gave their Dream with all of the Heart and Soul to the winds, stones, trees, animals, mountains and lakes, knowing that if they had touched the essence of the Dream and had given all of themselves to that which was here, that this would sustain them through the Great Forgetting. When the passageways closed and the stars were no longer accessible, when SpiderWoman dissolved into the Earth, and the time of darkness and forgetting descended, the Dreamers handed over to the elements and worlds of this Blessed Earth their Dreams from the stars in Sacred Trust, intending forward to a time when as they awoke they would find the truth or illusion of that which they had given. The prayer was that if the Dream was one of substance and beauty for the Earth, that if it had merit, then as the Dreamers sang themselves fully into consciousness and sang the Dream of their Heart and Soul, all that had held this would respond and the
Dream would come into being, a Dream now birthed of the stars and walked of the Earth, a Dream that had been challenged, tested, tempered in the fires of the Earth Star and cooled in the Pool of Reflection. Here the Dreamer looks in and sees the reality or the illusion of that which they had brought so long ago.
In speaking of Dreaming a distinction needs to be made between walking the
Dream of one’s Soul and Heart, which is to walk as a Sacred Human upon the Earth, and the role of the Dreamer. During this time all Sacred Humans are called to gather, collect, remember, honour, and anchor the embodiment of the Dream of their Soul that they have brought as a Sacred Offering to this Blessed Earth.
The Dreamer is one who is called to the Hero’s Quest, called by the Sacred,
willing to walk through the Wasteland to search for the Grail, in service of the Dream, of the alliance that is formed between Grandmother Earth and the Sun, Stars and Planets and of all that is Holy and Sacred. This is a full-time commitment of a lifetime or more, the Dreamer dedicating themselves to rigorous practices much like a world-class athlete, dancer, musician,
martial artist, or academic. This way is not a path for those who are faint of heart, undisciplined, or uncommitted. To be a Dreamer requires focus, will, intent, guts of steel, discipline and a wholehearted commitment in service of the Dream. The Dreamer must be able to bridge past, present and future, outside of Time and Space, walking the Dream Web, seeing the many
possibilities of the time of World Cross, when all the worlds will intersect with
each other.
It is the Dreamer who is called to enter the ‘Dark Matter’ of the Dreamtime. The Dark Matter is the place where all Beauty can be remembered and restored, opening the possibility for all to know themselves in beauty, knowing their Sacred Dream, their purpose for being, and their own unique weaving within, upon this blessed Earth. The Dream is a cry from spirit to the sacred, an arrow of intent from the soul, a way of being that brings continuity and
understanding of the past, present, and future. It involves a sacred expression and dialogue with everything around us and a way of prioritizing what is truly important.
Dreamers from the inner planes or the Dreamtime work with others through
their Rainbow Dream energy body, aligning themselves with the Earth/Sky Alliance and the Sacred, guiding those who hear the call to the next spiral of the journey of the soul’s Dream. Dreamers can intend themselves forward to times when healing, transformation, and transmutation of conflict exists, where the still point of resolution and peace exists, anchoring that strand of the Dream Web and returning in order to make it so in this time. The Dreamer is bonded with a continuous lineage from the beginning before the Great Forgetting to the end times of World Cross, questing the Sacred Dream of the Earth/Sky Alliance, trying to lose for a moment of time their human and ego form and consciousness so that they can see and directly experience the
Dreamtime itself.
The Quest
The Dreamer takes on the hero’s quest as has been done by those who have gone before: Merlin, Christos, Mara Gautama, Quetzalcoatl, Einstein, Navaho Grand-father Tom Wilson, Grandfather Dan and Grandmother Caroline of the Hopi; and today, Dreamers like Stephen Hawking who search for the songs of the universe and the essence of God; the Dalai Lama seeking liberation for all sentient beings; Nelson Mandela, Lion of the Morningstar, who seeks freedom for his people; and even Luke SkyWalker and his predecessors who call to the youth of today to join the quest. It is the Dreamer’s Search for, and manifestation of, Shamballa, Centre of Heaven, Core of the Universe, Heart of the World.
The Language of the Dream
Many Dreamers work with hieroglyphic symbols known as the ‘fire languages’, taking these symbols, unlocking them, building upon them, and creating with them. In healing very often it is the fire languages held within a person’s soul that help the Dream-healer find the cure. The Dreamer is able to touch the first language which is the fire, color and symbols of Spirit, cross the threshold into matter, transmuting these symbols into sound and substance, and then cross back again into Spirit so that the Soul can speak to us through the
Dream. The Dreamer needs rigorous training to acquire direct access to non-verbal knowledge through work with these glyphs, travelling back and forth finding the essence, being form and weaving with these in the Temples of the DreamTime.
Dream Dancer
The Dreamer knows how to dance the dream awake in full consciousness and
awareness, with intentionality, discipline and fluidity, knowing the principles of
control and surrender, calling upon chaos and order to sculpt and shape energy. The Dreamer, through will and intentionality, seeks to awaken within the Dreamtime with full consciousness and full movement, having built their Dream energy body so that they can choreograph their movements through the Dreamtime with grace, fully interacting with the Dream Web.
Manifesting the Dream
The Dreamer walks in all the worlds, bonded with allies and helpers who sup-port the Dreamer’s voice and vision, for the Dreamer does not act alone within the Great Link with the Earth/Sky Alliance. The Dreamer must be able to step outside the collective consciousness and while remaining aware of it find new pathways, possibilities, voices and visions to bring back into the collective. The Dreamer empowers this vision with the totality of themselves to manifest that vision.
This last year of the millennium is about expanding into the Earth’s Dream,
with a solid foundation that comes from the ability to bond with others – human and other worlds. A time to Dream with the Stars and bond with the Earth, a time to act in order to anchor a dream for the future. The question of the year is: ask not what the Earth or the Sacred can do for us, but what we can do for the Earth and the Sacred. This is what the Dreamer seeks. The Dreamer asks how can we support a Planetary Dream, Dream the solutions
necessary and take our place of strength, knowing that one Dreamer is worth a 1000 Warriors, in the way of change, and 144,000 Dreamers dreaming the same Dream can change an entire world. Dreamers must have ruthless sobriety at all times to know when it is the Greater Dream they serve or the little dream of the ego, for the Dreamer is not in service of the self, but in service of the Sacred. For this the Dreamer must have ‘guts of steel’ as Don Juan proposed, so they see what is necessary for the task, knowing what
they can do, and how to shape the events through Time and Space. The Dreamer must have the energy, dedication, commitment, focus and will to manifest into matter that which the Sacredness of Spirit commands. The Dreamer must be able to take a stand on a Path of Heart and be in service to a Collective Sacred Dream, dedicating themselves to the realization of this
dream. The Dreamer’s journey is one of timelessness and formlessness, into inner landscapes which reflect the Dreamer’s physical, cultural, blood and spirit lineages, directing the Dreamer to see all of the Universe in the single grain of sand.
Finding our Mirrors
To quest our Dream, we need mirrors. These may be people, music, our garden or altars. As we quest the Dream, we must find some way to manifest it in this world – a creative Giveaway must always become a part of the Dream. Otherwise it remains a fantasy. A Sacred Dream serves something other than just ourselves. When we are living our Sacred Dream we have an abundance of energy and things are effortless, and therefore fun. In areas where our Dream and Life are not congruent, we become drained and every-thing becomes a great effort. We must dare to Dream so that everyday Life becomes an embodiment and reflection of our Dream, a Mirror of Beauty reflecting our Walk on this Blessed Earth. By doing this, we become a Beacon for others. The greater the passion and light we hold for the Dream, the more Life energy we will radiate to act as a beacon.
The passion of the Dream is what will fuel its manifestation. Before us are the
lessons which can show us how we may walk this journey with integrity, impeccability and honor. And before us are the next seven generations to whom we will leave the legacy of our Life’s Dream and gifts. After death we will meet the final question with which to truly assess ourselves and the walking of our Dream in this Life: will anyone or anything truly mourn our passing? Have you left anything of the radiance of the Dream you brought
here for others to follow as a beacon?
Heeding the Call
There are many prophecies relating to this time telling us that unless we remember how to walk in a sacred way, dire things may happen. Many Elders believe we are in a time of assessment. Prophecies are intended to get our attention; they act as a warning, a wake-up call to us. If we listen, hear the warning and heed the call, change the actions, and Dream with ‘right action’
then we change the result or outcome. Right action is a way of being bonded with the Sacred and Divine and the Dream of our soul. It calls for bringing
the Sacred back into all aspects of our lives; the political, economic, scientific,
social, educational, and recreational realms. It calls for supporting all Dreamers and Sacred Humans in right action and withdrawing support from wrong action. As we face the future of infinite possibilities we act with the gift of this Earth – the Gift of Free Choice, we choose which pathway we will embrace for ourselves and for those who come after. We choose as
Dreamers what legacy we offer in Sacred Trust to the next seven generations: one of karma or dharma.
Listening to the Ancients
Those who are the Ancients of many cultures, who by virtue of the Sacred paths they have walked with their Hearts have manifested their Souls Dream, have left messages for us in this time and still reach out from their realms. They are the Wise Ones who knew how to live in harmony with their times and the worlds of Grandmother Earth. From their Inner Temples they dream and guide us, helping us to prepare ourselves for the changes ahead, helping us to release the old and unimportant, awakening and strengthening our Sacred Dream, helping us to align with the evolving energies of Grandmother Earth, and the Sacred, so we may pass through to the future with a Dream to offer. These Ancient Dreamers call to us in the stillness of prayer and meditation, to awaken in the Dreamtime to take the next spiral of the Journey of our Soul’s Dream. They call us to intend forward, to a time where we have healed, transformed, and transmuted the conflicts within ourselves and with the world
around us. They remind us that we have not been forsaken, for the connections to the Sacred are in abundance, the teachings freely given, the Pathtrails lit up, the sings echoing for all who will heed the call and respond. The Dreamers come in this time as our guides and teachers to illuminate our many possibilities, and show us how to dream this essence into our worlds.
Their gift and blessing to us in this time is the master key of the Soul; in awakening this master key we set about receiving the higher evolution of the Soul itself. With this awakening we open ourselves to infinite pathways of reality, learning to discern truth from illusion, and learning the most intimate of sharing and bonding with the Universe.
We end with this prayer, so it may hold us on our quest, helping us manifest the Dream of our Soul and Heart, and for the Dreamers, that they may manifest the Sacred Dream of 2013.
Sacred Ones, give me the courage to walk my Dream, wholeheartedly and
completely, unafraid to fall, knowing that the Sacredness of my Dream will hold me.
Sacred Ones, let me abandon myself in joy and passions into the embrace of my Dream, knowing that if I have formed the Arrow’ s Intent of my Dream with Heart, Grace, Beauty, and Peace it will fly true to the sacred path of Freedom.
Help me honour my Soul, walking my Dream with integrity, a beacon of Divine
Let my Dream serve Grandmother Earth and her Worlds and be in service to
the Holy and Sacred Ones.
If my arrow of intent is true, may I learn to trust the offerings that come back
in response, trusting the Dream of my Soul, surrendering myself to it, walking
the Divine footsteps of the Sacred Dream.
Sacred Ones, may my Dream plant corn and feed myself, my family, and generations to come.
Sacred Ones, as I walk in Beauty and Grace upon the Earth, may I be restored to Beauty and Grace.
As I honour the Earth and Her Worlds, may I be restored to Honour.
As I find the Love and Heart of the Earth, may I be restored to the Way of the
As I walk in the Deep Peace of Her Paths, may I be restored to Peace.
And as I come to see the Earth and Her Worlds as a Beautiful Priceless Jewel of the Universe that is worth restoring, then I too become worthy of being restored in Beauty, Peace, Heart, Grace and Freedom.
Sacred Ones, may my Life be a Sacred Offering, a walking Prayer of the Dream of my Soul, a Dream of walking as the Sacred Human. KS
“We must dare to Dream so that everyday Life becomes an embodiment and reflection of our Dream ”
The Maya
The Maya are the masters of the Dark Matter, the unseen mysteries, and the hidden blueprints of beauty, holding teachings of the nature of time, space, dimension, truth, illusion, and invisibility, ‘Masters of the Dreaming Loom’ which shows us how to create and enter the pathways of the
DreamTime. The Dreamer is able to touch the template held within the Dark Matter and bring it in a tangible form into this reality. As Quetzlcoatl, the Morningstar DayBringer Dreamer taught, the Dreamer can act as a gateway from one dimension into another dimension, dreaming and manifesting a vision of reality as a master of time. The Dreamer, while shieldless and connected to the source of all, crosses to the Dark Matter and builds the Temples of Light from the blueprints left from the dreams of the sacred ones who have gone before and brings these in manifested form into this time and space, while being navigators of the pathways and teaching us to travel with them.
For the Navaho, the Dreamer Bi’Altatini is the one who embarks upon a dangerous quest for the People, entering into the abode of the Yeis – The Holy Ones, in search of sacred knowledge, visions, teachings, guidance, sings and healings to be brought back for the good of the
People. Here the Dreamer is tested and challenged as to the Way of Beauty. Upon surviving these trials and obstacles, the Dreamer is called by the Yeis, the ones with faces the colours of the sky, to join them, be taught their songs and prayers, and ways of healing, until the Dreamer is healed and in possession of the Sacred Knowledge, returning for a time to People.
When the Dreamer returns, the teaching of the Holy Ones is given to the People and the way to restore the Beauty is taught. When the Holy Ones depart they take the Dreamer with them. As the Dreamer becomes one of the Holy Ones, the Dreamer lets the People know that the Dreamer is always in service of the them and will always watch over and guide them from the Dream itself, becoming the music of the rain, the voice of the winds, the cry of the eagle, the illumination of the lightning, the awakening of the thunder, the promise of the Morningstar, and the protection of the Sacred Mountains.
Kindred Spirit Issue 50 Spring 2000