About The Lodge

The Lodge of the MorningStar Temple is dedicated to the Vision of restoring the Grandmother and her worlds to balance and beauty. A vision of humans of One Heart coming together in service of Grandmother Earth’s evolutionary dream and the SisterHood of Planets, a gathering place of Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods around the Earth who are preparing humanity for WorldCross, dedicated to the awakening of Excalibur, the Earth/Sky Alliance, and the awakening of TimeShip Earth 2013.

The Vision is a way forward, offering the protection of the Children’s Fire as sanctuary for the children, and dedicated to preserving a spiritual legacy for the next seven generations. It is a gathering place for the Masters of the Seven Rays to bring through ceremony, dreaming, teaching, and healing their wisdom and guidance. It is a gathering of ancient lineages to a time forward for reconciliation and harmony.

This Lodge is dedicated towards syntropy and to laying the pathway for the Children of the Sleeping Phoenix. We are dedicated to the restoring of the Earth and all of her Worlds to the paradise that greeted us when we first arrived from the stars, honouring the sanctuary that she offered us, bringing the Blessings of our own Dreams. In this we are also dedicated to the awakening of SpiderWoman and her Dream.

The spiritual practices of the Native American Beauty Way and the Old Keltic Ways form the foundation, as we bring together paths of the Mayan, Inka, Tibetan, the ElfinKind and the Sidhe. This is a spiritual path for the awakening of the 20 Wheels of Light, the activation of the 13 strands of DNA, working with the 9 Lords of Time and the 7 Seers to reclaim the Sacred Human with a strong DreamPrayerField. This path teaches the Art of Dreaming, the way of healing, with the awakening of the 13 Gifts and walking with all the Worlds of GrandMother and GrandFather in Bonding and harmony, offering a template for all evolutionary spiritual stages of humanity, gathering together the Star Nations for a way forward of the Sacred Human. We also stand for the liberation and honouring of all Indigenous People around the world.