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The Call of the Sidhe from the Heart of the Land

It has been told that there would be a time of a great forgetting, when we would no longer feel that we are an organic part of the world in which we live, a time when we would develop alienated patterns of behavior that were utterly destructive as a consequence.

The Ancients said that when this happened the Sidhe would reach out across the veil to those who come in Beauty and Peace. Standing in Their shining essence, radiating out their Heart and the Beauty of the land, the Sidhe would call to us in this time to step through the veil and meet them. They would be sharing with great generosity of spirit what has gone before, what is now, and what can be if we make the right choices.

They would teach the people of Ériu to re-awaken to the magic and mystery of the land, as They themselves are so deeply bonded to it, that They are One with the land, its mists, its magic, its history, as They are its Dawn. To re-awaken to the wildfire of Ériu, to the passion and elemental force of the land itself. To its mountains and vales, to the pounding of the waves upon the shore, to the stillness of the lakes.

They would remind us that the Universe is alive with the Harmonies of the Earth and Sky and Their Worlds, the Sings of the Planets and Stars, and how all of this is also inside of us. Asking us to tune in and to find these pulses and sings within ourselves, so that we can live our lives fully, in resonance with these.

This is an invitation to all who feel that they hear the Call of the Sidhe, who are touched. Who desire to live their lives fully as Noble Children of Earth and Star. Who are willing to look upon the self-reflection that they are being shown as one who is welcome home after a long journey. Willing to find a way of lightfulness for all that has been experienced, willing to relax and surrender to the Beauty of Their Souls. Willing to enjoy the Sacredness of All that Is and the infinite possibilities that open up from there of Co-creation, with All of the Worlds, in Harmony with the Wildness of the Land of Ériu.

Date, Location and Accommodation

The ceremonial retreat takes place in a beautiful natural setting and ceremonial
space near Kiltegan, Co.Wicklow.

Arrive for 9am, Sunday July 7th. Workshop closes at 5pm, Tuesday, July 9th.

Camping spaces are available for participants and there are a number of B&B’s close by.

Booking Details and Costs

COST: €260

EARLY BIRD: €230 if paid before 17th May.

(Spaces are limited so early booking is recommended.)


Arwyn DreamWalker

Arwyn DreamWalker is a Métis Medicine Woman, a Dreamer, Seer and Healer, a teacher of liberation and awakening who will challenge you to step into your own gifts and power, to see yourself clearly and embrace all that you are, have ever been, and ever will be. She is one who walks between the worlds, offering us the opportunity for profound transformation. DreamWalker teaches a way of prayer, of truth of the heart, of the rigor of love’s compassion and the sacred honouring of Grandmother Earth and Her treasures.

DreamWalker is the founder of the MorningStar Lodge, a modern day Mystery School, which offers a spiritual tradition in service of the discipline of hope, and of humanity’s co-creation of a future for all life on Earth. The spiritual practices of the Native American Beauty Way and the Old Keltic Ways are forming the foundations, as paths of the Sidhe and the Elvin Kind as of the Mayan, Inka and Tibetan are being brought together.

She has travelled to Ireland, Britain and Europe for over 30 years, bringing an impeccable standard of ceremony and teachings, and a vision of life that holds at its heart a deep devotion to the Sacred. DreamWalker holds a doctorate in psychology and has worked for over 30 years in practice as a family therapist.

July 07 2019


Start: July 7, 2019 @ 9:00 am
End: July 9, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
Cost: €260



Wicklow, Wicklow Ireland

+ Google Map


Regina (FairBearoftheRose)
Brendan Lynch (LionHeart)
Phone: 087 396 4541
Eleanor (LightningMountainSpirit)