This one day ceremony is to strengthen our connection with the plant world, focusing particularly on the trees, finding our roots more strongly so that we can hold steady in these turbulent times. Moving us out from our view of the human into a web of connection with the other worlds of Grand Mother Earth, as we enter the darkest days of the winter finding a place to rest and restore ourselves with the help of the plant world. Preparing ourselves for the turning of the year with the winter solstice.
In the morning we gather to sit in circle honoring the 13 Celtic Trees of this land, they who can hold us and bring us back to oneness. Beginning a journey, a dialogue with them. In the afternoon we light the fire, and crawl into the sweat lodge to release that which keeps us from that place of connection and deep peace.
We call to all who wish to connect with trees, whether at a first introductory level or working with one as a familiar. This work is suitable to those new to this kind of work, and also those that are familiar with the work and sacredness of what the land and Dragún hold.
If this resonates with you please contact Kamila LandWalker on 0877853620 to book and confirm your place or any other queries.
The cost for the day is € 50 and concessions are available on request. Please bring a dish. We will share some food at the end of our journey together on this day and sit together as one people, honouring and sharing in simplicity and in beauty.
For those, not familiar with her work, Hilary Healy is an Irish Grandmother. For over 20 years she has walked a ceremonial path,
working with various medicine men and woman, to deepen her connections with the land of Éiriú. She has trained with Arwyn Dreamwalker, of the Morning Star Lodge, and holds a sacred pipe, and is recognised as an Elder within this tradition. She is also recognised as a Grandmother within the Moon Sisters who received teachings from Grandmother Nanatasis of the Abenaki tradition. She teaches and holds sweat lodges on her land in Co. Wicklow. She has taken part in the Rainbow Dream Dance, a Sundance held in Wales, for 18 years. She has held the fire for the eight years that the Eagle Dance has been held on the land of Éiriú, and also stands as one of the dance chiefs in holding the Swan Dances, the Aisling Eala, which are held at the equinoxes each year on her land.