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Walking a Path of Heart in Balance

How Healers and Dreamers, using personal healing and balancing, can stand in their power to hold for the Grandmother at this time. Balancing the dualities that make up the world: male and female, child and adult, DreamTime and everyday energies. It is an unfolding of one’s self.

You are invited to join us for this potent three day retreat during which we have the opportunity for a rebalancing of the various aspects of who we are. In indigenous American traditions these aspects are known as the five shields. They reflect our personal history and the nature of our spirits, bodies, emotions, minds and souls. They also hold any connections we have with the natural world. In bringing these aspects into balance, we come to know who we are, what medicine we carry and how we may walk a path of heart.

During this retreat, teachings will be given on the nature of each of the five shields, how they are formed, their relationship with each other, and how they come to form the totality of our DreamPrayerField (aura).

In the ways of the traditions held by DreamWalker, Ceremony is a potential catalyst where our increased awareness can serve to lighten our consciousness in a way that helps hold a place of sacredness for our families and communities, our land and environment. Helping more than ourselves, in these times we quest the Balancing of the Shields for the Land itself.

ARWYN DREAMWALKER is a teacher and healer of the Medicine Traditions of Turtle Island (North and South America). She has travelled to Britain and Europe for over twenty years bringing an impeccable standard of ceremony and teachings, and a vision of life that holds at its heart a deep devotion to the sacred.

DreamWalker is lineage carrier of a Navajo Grandfather, whose Hogan (house) was always open to those who would come to receive teachings, regardless of race, tribe, nation or religion, and whose dream it was to bequeath a living spiritual tradition to the next seven generations, a dream of people coming together, of restoring Grandmother Earth and all upon her to hozzho (beauty/balance).

DreamWalker embodies such a living tradition, true to Grandfather’s impeccability and innovation, and supported by teachings from indigenous Medicine People across Turtle Island, as well as training in the Old Keltic ways, holding a doctorate in psychology and working for over 20 years in practice as a family therapist. DreamWalker teaches a way of prayer, of the truth of the heart, of the rigour of love’s compassion and the sacred honouring of the Earth and her Treasures.

This Ceremonial Retreat is suitable for beginners and for those who have experience of Ceremonial Work and Healing Circles. All who attend will receive teaching on healing but we cannot promise formal healings for all.

July 14 2018


Start: July 14, 2018 @ 9:30 am
End: July 16, 2018 @ 5:30 pm
Cost: £225


Holyrood House

11, Wells Road, Malvern
Worcs, . WR14 4RH United Kingdom

+ Google Map


Katherine Attwater
Phone: 07980 731896